DR Number 71 |
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LA CARICATURE Click for detailed information about LA CARICATURE. ABOUT THIS PRINT. This print appeared in LA CARICATURE (Journal) N° 152 / Pl. 319. In this print, King Louis-Philippe is being pressurized even by the conservative journalists. It seems that also the right-wing paper "Le National" had to fear intensified censorship. The risk of a similarly vehement reaction like under Charles X in 1830, which was leading towards revolution, increased constantly. He lost his citizen's umbrella in the process. The entire print is an allusion to the power of the press. The man handling the press is not necessarily a printer, but most likely one of the "news-boys" who were the real masters of the street at this time. They yelled out the titles of their papers, which were usually appeals of revolt. The police arrested them, but while loudly protesting against the oppression of which they were a victim, these "heralds of upheaval" allowed themselves to be taken without any resistance, knowing quite well that the courts would acquit them. The continuing campaign of abuse against the King, the scarcely veiled incitements to murder, the poverty of a large proportion of the people and the hard apprenticeship of democracy created a strange volatile state of mind. BNF Info: 1829 saw the birth of La Silhouette, the first illustrated satirical weekly in France, launched by Philipon, Ratier and Ricourt. Honoré Daumier published his first drawings in this publication, which gave unprecedented prominence to illustration and caricature in particular. In 1830, after the 3 Glorious Days of 27, 28 and 29 July, the constitutional charter initiated by Louis-Philippe proclaimed that "Citizens have the right to publish and have printed their opinions in accordance with the laws. Censorship can never be re-established". That same year, Philipon founded the weekly La Caricature, for which Daumier was the main cartoonist, followed by the daily Le Charivari (1832). Here, Louis-Philippe, whose legendary umbrella can be seen in the foreground, is pressed by a typographer avenging the threatened freedom of the press. This plate prefigures the famous lithograph "Ne vous y frottez pas", published by L'Association mensuelle in March 1834. LOUIS-PHILIPPE I (1773-1850) was the son of Philippe-Egalité. He was named Duc de Chartres and later Duc d’Orléans. He participated in various battles, travelled all over Europe, and stayed from 1796 to 1799 in America. After spending some time in England, he reconciled with Louis XVIII and returned to France in 1817. He became Lieutenant General of the Kingdom in July 1830 and on Aug. 9, 1830, he was proclaimed King of the French. In 1831, first intervention projects in Spain and movement against the Freedom of the Press. In 1833, he proposed a project to fortify Paris, in 1834, insurrection in Paris (massacre at Rue Transnonain), stock exchange speculations and fire at Mont-Saint-Michel prison. America claimed war indemnities. In 1835, death of Lafayette and trial against the participants of the April uprisings. In 1848, exile to England, where he died two years later. SAINT-ELM, Eiseline Vanayl de Yong, called Ida or La Contemporaine (1778-1845) was an actress and writer. Between March and September 1836 she published the "Mémoires d’une Contemporaine“ and "La Caricature Française“ in London. The latter was aimed against Louis-Philippe and his family. It contained eight woodcuts, done after Daumier lithographs from the Charivari. The text on the printer's press reads: "Brevet de perfectionnement presse périodique". |
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