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Work catalogues: DR Number 427    |   LD Number 427   |   HD Number 1062
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lupe lupe lupe

Original Text:
Recette pour guérir la colique.
Mr. Macaire, mon cher ami ne me faites pas manquer cette soirée, j’en ai tant besoin. – Ah ! mon ami je ne puis jouer je souffre trop…… - Essayez je vous en conjure…… le public vous demande, il crie, menace, veut briser les banquette, je vais être forcé de rendre l’argent…….. voyons je doublerai vos feux…. – Oh là ! Oh là !…. chauffez des serviettes !….. du vin chaud !….. chauffez, chauffez !!… - Je triplerai vos feux…. – Chauffez toujours, chauffez ! …… chauffez les serviettes…. – Nous partagerons la recette……….. – Nous partagerons la recette ? levez le rideau, la farce est jouée, le drame commence.

Recipe to cure colic.
- Monsieur Macaire, my good friend, don't make me cancel this performance, I need it desperately!
- Oh my friend, I cannot play, I am in such a pain.
- I beg you, try at least... the public is demanding you.... they are screaming, threatening and will pull out the benches... I will have to take back their tickets. Come now, I will double your salary!
- Oh! Oh! heat some more towels… bring some hot wine and more towels!
- I will tripple your salary!
- Keep on heating and beating the towels!
- We'll share the box office receipts!
- Share the receipts? Up with the curtain! The farce has ended and the drama can begin!....

<< DR Number 426 DR Number 428 >>
Last Update: 07-21-2021

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