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Work catalogues: DR Number 454    |   LD Number 454   |   HD Number 1089
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lupe lupe lupe

Original Text:
Messieurs, voici la vérité, je suis un petit voleur, mais Mr. Macaire en est un grand…… J’ai chipotté, chipotaillé des riens, il a grinché, floué, agioté sur une grande échelle, j’ai gagné la misère et la police correctionnelle, il a gagné des millions et il m’accuse.
Le tribunal n’ayant pas à juger le grand voleur, condamne le petit, et Macaire se retire la tête haute.

Gentlemen, the truth of the matter is that I'm a petty thief, but Mr. Macaire is a big one... I've been a bit light-fingered, dabbled in trifles, scrounged, speculated on a large scale... all I made was misery and the magistrates court. He made millions and he accuses me...
The court, not having to judge the right villain, condemns the petty thief and Macaire withdraws, his head held high.

<< DR Number 453 DR Number 455 >>
Last Update: 07-21-2021

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