The Daumier Register Digital Work Catalogue
Daumier Register 02-13-2025 Contact us


Who are the people behind this web site?

You may have been wondering who those people are, working full-time for the DAUMIER REGISTER©, the new work catalogue of Daumier's lithographic oeuvre?

Many important work catalogues in the art world have been compiled by collectors or art dealers rather than museum curators or scholars. The same holds true for us, Lilian and Dieter Noack, residents of Switzerland. In 1998 we retired from what is generally known as our "active life" looking forward to times of quiet relaxation and enjoyment. Little did we know what would expect us when we decided to catalogue our large Daumier collection of some 3500 lithographs. Halfway through the work, we realized that the old Hazard and Delteil work catalogues from 1904 and 1925 needed a workover.

The idea was born to create a new tool which would make it possible to offer affordable access to a completely overhauled work catalogue on the internet for the numerous collectors all over the world. We started to become fully involved working together with some 100 museums, universities and large private collections generously offering us their help.

As a result, we came out with two websites:

The *DAUMIER WEBSITE* ( offers information about Daumier's life and oeuvre, for example a detailed biography, a bibliography with nearly 2'200 titles, a list of over 1'400 Daumier exhibitions, descriptions of Le Charivari and other newspapers, an exhibition of Daumier fakes and imitations, Daumier News and Discussion Forum and an exhibition of unpublished Daumier prints, to name just a few topics.

The second website is the *DAUMIER REGISTER* ( This is the digital work catalogue giving detailed information and at least one photograph for each of the more than 4'000 Daumier lithographs; over 1'000 Daumier wood engravings; 300 Daumier oil paintings plus 600 unconfirmed or imitations; 120 Daumier sculptures; 1'350 Daumier drawings plus 1'500 unconfirmed or imitations.

The years spent on research and collecting of information for the database were full of enjoyment and great surprises. The project is financed entirely by ourselves and it will also in the future be non-profit and available free of charge. We hope that Daumier collectors as well as students, professors, curators and art dealers will continue to make use of it.

Please feel free to contact us for any questions or suggestions.

Dieter and Lilian Noack

The access to the Daumier Register is free for all users. In case you want to show your appreciation and help us keep the Daumier Register alive, you are most welcome to become a sponsor and help covering our costs by making a contribution (please click here).

Your contributions are highly appreciated. Thank you very much!

Der Zugang zum Daumier Register ist für alle Benutzer gratis. Wenn Sie Ihrer Wertschätzung mit einer Spende Ausdruck verleihen möchten, würden wir uns sehr darüber freuen. Sie tragen als Sponsor dazu bei, dass wir das Daumier Register auch in Zukunft weiterführen und am Leben erhalten können (bitte klicken Sie hier).

Wir freuen uns über jeden Beitrag. Herzlichen Dank schon jetzt!

L'accès au Daumier Register est gratuit pour tous les visiteurs. Si vous voulez montrer votre appréciation, nous vous invitons de participer à nos frais. Cela garantira la continuation de nos travaux pour le Daumier Register (cliquez ici).

Merci beaucoup!


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