13258 |
Pleading Lawyer
Le Plaidoyer
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13259 |
Hippolyte Lavoignat
Portrait of M. Lavoignat
Portrait du graveur Lavoignat |
All details
13261 |
The Fugitives
Les Emigrants
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13262 |
Les mendiants
Pauvres a la porte de l'hospice
Paupers seeking alms
Die Bettler
The Beggars |
All details
13263 |
Avocat plaidant
Advocate Pleading
Ein plädierender Anwalt
The Pleading Lawyer
L'Avocat plaidant |
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13264 |
Trois Avocats
Trois Magistrats
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13265 |
Le pardon
Bitte an den Richter
The Pardon
Appell an die Richter |
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13266 |
Avocat plaidant
Advocate Pleading
Ein plädierender Anwalt
The Pleading Lawyer
L'Avocat plaidant
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13267 |
Le peintre: la mise au tombeau
Der Künstler malt die Grablegung
The Entombment
The Painter at His Easel
A Painter with an Entombment of Christ
Self-Portrait-Honore-Daumier |
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13268 |
La plainte en adultère |
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13269 |
Les voleurs et lâne |
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13270 |
Six Têtes |
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13271 |
Two Men Reading |
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13272 |
Le malade imaginaire
Scène du Malade Imaginaire
Der eingebildete Kranke |
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13273 |
Tête de paillasse
Kopf eines Clowns
Der Clown
Head of a Clown
Bajazzo |
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13275 |
Scapin et Silvestre
Crispin et Scapin
Les deux compères
Scapin und Sylvester
Zwei Gevattern
Scapin and Sylvestre
Crispin and Scapin
Crispin und Scapin |
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13276 |
Two lawyers
Court hearing
A la Cour
Au tribunal
Gerichtsverhandlung |
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13277 |
L'amateur d'Art |
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